Friday, May 4, 2012

Pike's Peek 10K

Sunday April 29 I ran the Pike's Peek 10K. This was my 3rd time running the race and my 4th overall 10K. I had planned on meeting an old running buddy of mine who was just getting back into running after an injury. We'd run together in the past and kept the same pace. Becky wasn't sure how she would do and I was feeling confident after my great times at the previous week's 5K and Mile, and we agreed to at least start out together. She surprised herself and we ended up running together almost the whole way. She said I pushed her but she really helped me. We talked a lot of the way and it didn't feel like a "race" at all. It went by so fast!

She had been keeping time on her watch and said we had 3/4 of a mile left to go. I was feeling pretty good and wanted to kick it up a notch. The last quarter mile of this race is all down hill and I was preparing to go crazy at the end. She told me to go for it and that was all I needed to hear! I picked up my pace and finished strong. After catching my breath I even ran back to help bring her home. I found another friend who had been behind us and cheered him on. I realized I must have missed her coming through. It turns out I only finished about 45 seconds before her.

Going into this, my goal was to finish in under an hour and ten minutes. My time? 1:05:12!! A 10:30 pace! It turned out to be my 2nd fastest 10K. I hope to make a PR in November if not before.

Here's Becky and I after the race (if you didn't know, you might think this was before the race with how good we look!):

I love knowing that Jack is waiting for me at the finish line!

Tomorrow I'm planning on running either 7 or 8 miles (will see how I feel) and I'm going to attempt 10 on Mother's Day. I signed up for a 5-miler on May 19 that is only about 2 miles from my house. I'm going to have someone drop me off at the race and I'll run home afterwards. Sounds crazy! I just hate doing these long runs on my own around my neighborhood. I need to change it up some!

Only 4 weeks until the half!

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