Friday, August 14, 2015

My Motivation

I ran 4 miles this morning and came home to do a PiYo workout to stretch my lower body. Jack jumped right in and joined me.

He really wants to work out and be strong. He loves lifting his 1-pound weights (which I need to upgrade!) and doing lunges and squats. It's so cute! I haven't been working out at home as much as I used to, but his eagerness for wanting to work out inspires me. I know he's watching what I'm doing and following my example.

I'm glad I have the opportunity to show him how important it is to exercise and take care of your body. I need to continue to be a good example. He is my biggest motivation to succeed! Also, he really wants me to win a race. He doesn't understand that I win just by finishing. He wants me to come in first. Motivation to do that speed work! ;)

What is something your kids do because they see you doing it?

1 comment: said...

Happy for you to have found a great motivation to your kid! Does all your family is fond of sport and stretching?)