Monday, August 27, 2012

30 Day Shred

Today I did day 4 of the shred. I was really tired and didn't want to wake up but after hitting snooze twice, I got up and got ready. Guess who woke up right when I was getting started?

It wasn't even 6 yet but Jack was awake. I tried laying down with him and it seemed like he was falling back asleep, but when I tried to leave he sat up. Finally I asked him if he wanted to wake up an of course he said yes. So I brought him downstairs and laid him on the couch.

After 5 minutes he got up and wanted to join in on the fun. He didn't get in my way so it wasn't too bad. I completed day 4!

I've been eating pretty well and feel good. Yesterday I ran 5 miles, the most in 3 weeks or more.

I'm not a morning person but I'm getting used to waking up early. I started last Thursday so this will be the first full week of my new routine. I plan to run 3 miles 2 nights a week and a long run on the weekend.

I've been eating a healthy breakfast at home, but I'm starving all morning at work. Today I ate an apple as my morning snack and just busied myself with work to take my mind off of the hunger. I'm going to start bringing some peanut butter to go with the apple as well as some nuts. That should hold me a little better!

I weighed in yesterday at 138. I'm 5'3" and my goal is to get into the 120's. A number I haven't seen since middle school! I'm confident that with hard work I'll get there! Of course all the weight is in my stomach and that's where I'm hoping to see the most results.

Here are some pics I took of Jack this morning. He was so cute trying to do crunches and saying, "See, I can do this!"


1 comment:

Becs said...

I love the picture of Jack doing the work out with you!! Too cute. I am right there with you on just about everything. I am 5'2 and really should be in the 120's which I was back in high school and was again after Reina was around 1 yr old, so 4 years ago. I was so fit and my stomach was so flat. But now after my 4th full term pregnancy, that stomach is ruined. So my goal is to get Jillian Michaels 6 pack abs and killer abs and see if they help at all!! Good luck!!!