Thursday, April 26, 2012

Clarksburg 5K

Saturday April 21, I ran the Clarksburg 5K and my first race of 2012. I ran my last 5K in September 2011 and finished in 34:29. I really wasn't sure what to expect for this race. I've been running more but my pace has been between 11-13 minutes on my training runs.

I had never run this race before and therefore wasn't familiar with the course. There were quite a few hills right from the start and not knowing what was to come, I tried not to push it too hard. Even the finish was on an incline! Once I saw the balloons and could see the "Mile 3" marker ahead, I gave it all I had. I really surprised myself and finished with a time of 31:41!!! A 10:12 pace! Woohoo!! This is my 3rd fastest 5K and my fastest since 2007. And I felt great afterwards and like I could've run more.

Before the 5K, there was a short kids run that Jack did. He was a bit confused and I don't think he enjoyed the chaos. But he finished and got a medal! This is only his second run and I'm sure as he does more of these, he'll start to get the hang of it.

After my run:

My next 5K will probably be June 16. I'm running a one mile track heat tonight, a 10K on Sunday, and the half is just 5 short weeks away! I love racing!

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