Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Kentlands 5K

I'm only 10 days late in posting, but better late than never! The Kentlands 5K was Saturday, September 3 and it was a perfect morning for a race. Cloudy, cool, and dry. I started out slow and kept a nice, steady pace. My final time was 34:29 and my average pace was 11:06. I know I could've been faster, but my goal was to finish in under 35 minutes and I accomplished that! Overall, I'm very happy with the outcome!

As we were driving home, a huge storm hit us. I was happy it started after the race was over! It rained the rest of the weekend and well into the next week. We got 13 inches of rain in less than a week! Needless to say, I didn't run all week. I ran last night for the first time since the race, and that was just a short run with Jack. Now I'm feeling sick and having bad stomach cramps, so I'm not sure when my next run will be. Hopefully I can get in a long run this weekend! It won't be long before it starts getting too cold and dark to take Jack out and I want to take advantage of the cooler weather we're about to get. And I definitely don't want to lose momentum!

Here's my log for the last few runs I did since the last post:

August 31, 6:07pm
2.21 miles
25:39 minutes
11:36 avg. pace

September 1, 6:19pm
1.43 miles
16:26 minutes
11:32 avg. pace

Sept. 3, 8:30am
Kentlands 5K
34:29 minutes
11:06 avg. pace

Sept. 12, 6:07pm
1.35 miles
16:32 minutes
12:16 avg. pace

I really hope I feel better by the end of the week so I can get in some more runs!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Solo long run

I've only run twice since I last posted, but Sunday I ran my long run and for the first time I ran it solo (No stroller!). I also ran further than I have in years and I really pushed myself. It felt so great! My quads are still sore today. :) I had planned on running today and Thursday, but this morning I just wasn't feeling it. I think I'll go for a quick run tonight and see how I feel tomorrow morning. It's super tough getting up and running at 6:30am when you haven't gotten enough sleep. But I don't want to lose momentum and I'm feeling great, so I just have to kick myself out of bed and do it! I always feel better after I've done it.

August 25, 6:52am:
1.42 miles
16:39 minutes
11:46 average pace

August 28, 12:09pm:
3.37 miles
37:09 minutes
11:01 avg. pace  :-)

This Saturday I'll be running the Kentlands 5k, also sans stroller, and my goal is to finish in under 35 minutes. I've done this run once before, in 2007, and I remember there being a few big hills. I finished in 31:30 with a pace of 10:09. I'm curious to see how I do this year! I'm actually really looking forward to it!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

On a Roll

I've been running very regularly and it feels great! I ran 3 mornings last week and an extra "long" run on Saturday. I signed up for the Kentlands 5k which is less than 2 weeks away. The longest run I've done lately is about 2.75 miles, and I wanted to increase that to get ready for the upcoming race. I ran 3.21 miles- the most since April 2009 when I ran the Cherry Blossom 10-miler! The most I've done since Jack was born is a 5k, and I know this isn't much more than that, but it is more! I plan on doing the same distance this weekend and then the race is next Saturday (Sept. 3).

I've noticed that I've been more tired on my runs and I think it has to do with the hills. I've been doing the lake run more, since that's about all I have the time for, and the hills are brutal! It's great to workout with hills- it builds strength. But right now I'm more concerned with building endurance than strength. I'd like to do a hill run once a week (maybe twice), but not every run. I wish there was a nearby track I could go to so I could work on building speed and endurance. This morning I got a late start but wanted to run anyway. I chose a different route, but one that I knew would be mostly flat and fast. I only ran a mile, but did it in under 11 minutes. It felt great!

Something else I've noticed is that the socks really make a difference. I have one pair of running socks that I love and they feel great. Well they were dirty last week so I wore the other pairs I have that aren't as thick and don't feel even half as good. My feet definitely hurt more than usual, and i think it contributed to my slower times. Today I wore my good ones and I felt perfectly fine. By the way, the ones I love are made by Balega and I got them at a local running store. I am definitely going there this weekend to pick up a couple more pairs.

Here is my log for last week and today:

August 17, 6:57am
1.41 miles
18:09 minutes
12:51 avg. pace

August 19, 6:57am
1:36 miles
16:23 minutes
12:00 avg. pace

August 20, 7:22am
3.21 miles
39:56 minutes
12:25 avg. pace

August 22, 6:14pm (first evening run in a long time)
1:36 miles
16:58 minutes
12:29 avg. pace

August 23, 6:59am
1.05 miles
10:58 minutes
10:24 avg. pace

Looking at these runs, my average pace is actually pretty good. I felt more tired during the runs, but maybe that's because I was going faster than I realized. I did take 2 days off after the long run, because I don't want to overdo it and exhaust myself. I was pretty sore on Sunday and a day off was definitely needed!

Last week it was a little chilly in the morning (and even colder out by the lake), so for 2 of the runs jack was bundled in a sweatshirt, his pj pants, and socks. It makes me so excited for fall!!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Getting faster!

This is a huge shock (mostly to myself), but I have started running on weekday mornings before work. Jack is an early riser (he is up between 5 and 6) and I decided to take advantage of this and have now gone on a few runs. I am not a morning person so it takes a lot for me to get out of bed and make the decision to go for a run. I lay in bed thinking that I should go, but I don't actually get up and then it gets too late and I've missed the opportunity. When Jack wakes up, he sits in bed with me and I let him watch Sesame Street. Eventually he wants to get down and play, and that's when we start our day. I'm really trying hard to get motivated and get moving soon after he wakes up. It's not easy, but I've learned that it is doable!

Because of the time constraints, I've mostly been doing my lake run which is 1.3 miles and takes 20 minutes. My first early weekday run was on Friday August 5. I hadn't done this route in awhile since I've been doing a longer route on the weekends. I quickly noticed that it seemed easier, but it is mostly flat. Near the end of the run, there are 3 hills one right after the other. The first and last are very steep and the middle one is really long. I usually run up half way and finish each one walking. I didn't have to do that! I was able to run up all 3 hills (slowly, but still running) and finished in a good time. I didn't run at all that weekend and did 2 more morning runs the next week.

Last weekend I did my "long" run of 2.7 miles and I felt so great and didn't have to walk at all (and this route also has some big hills). I finished it in record time! Then yesterday we were up and ready to go even earlier than normal, so I decided I had time to do my 2.3 mile run. Again, I felt great and ran even faster! I actually wanted to keep going but even if it weren't for the time constraints, I need to stick to what I'm doing a little longer. I don't want to add miles on too quickly and risk injury. But I definitely don't want to slow down either! I love that I can see how fast I'm running with RunKeeper. And I love that the runs are getting easier and more enjoyable!

Here is my log for the last few runs (and all runs were done while pushing Jack in the Bob):

August 5, 2011, 6:46am
1.40 miles
17:33 minutes
12:34 average minutes/mile

August 9, 6:43am
1.43 miles
18:41 minutes
13:06 avg. pace (I wasn't feeling it this day, but went out anyway!)

August 10, 6:52am
1.40 miles
17:52 minutes
12:44 avg. pace

August 13, 7:08am
2.73 miles
34:11 minutes
12:31 avg. pace

August 15, 6:36am
2.33 miles
27:38 minutes
11:52 avg. pace (woohoo!)

Hopefully I'll make it out tomorrow morning and I'll definitely do my long run this weekend. I might do 2 more weeks of these distances and then I'll add to it. I'm excited!

And it's not a post without a cute picture of Jack in the jogging stroller!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Running log

I'm going to try to use this blog as more of a running log. I haven't been updating too often and I'm really trying to get out and run more. Now with the RunKeeper app on my phone, I'm able to see exactly how far and fast I'm running. I went for early runs both Saturday and Sunday.

Saturday, July 30:
2.21 miles
27:40 minutes
12:32 average pace (minutes/mile)

Sunday, July 31:
2.68 miles
35:49 minutes
13:23 avg. pace

On Sunday, I did the longer run that I thought was 3 miles. Apparently, it's not, but it's a start! Once I get a little more comfortable with that run, I'll increase the distance. I can only do these longer runs on the weekend, because I just don't have the time during the week. Not to mention the fact that it's been way too hot. Once it starts to cool off, I can go back to running the 1.3 miles around the lake after work. For now, I'm happy that I'm out there at all!!

Jack really enjoys going out in the jogging stroller. He's never put up a fuss, but lately he's been getting excited once he knows we're going out. I tell him we're going for a run and once he sees me getting out the stroller, he starts saying "run!". He gets so upset when I leave him inside to put the stroller out and get everything ready. I'm glad he enjoys going running because mama needs it to keep sane! And I'm hoping he'll want to run when he's older too. I want to have a healthy family! :)

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Still going

I'm still here and getting out there when I can. Last week it was scorching hot (felt like 115 with code red air quality and heat advisories), so I didn't go out at all. But Saturday morning we were up early, so I took Jack out for a long(ish) run. It was actually my first run since the 5k I did last month, and it was also the longest run I've done on my own since before Jack was born. Granted it was only about 3 miles, but considering my usual run is about 1.3 miles, that's pretty good! There's a route around my neighborhood I've done a few times that is 2 1/2 miles. I went further than that and don't know the exact distance, but it's at least 3 miles and probably more. I had planned to walk some but I ended up running the whole time, including up 5 hills (while pushing the stroller)! I only stopped twice and that was to wait for the walk signal to cross the road. I plan to do this long run again this weekend and I'll track the distance this time.

I haven't run at all this week, but with the lower temps and humidity, I have been walking at work. For 3 days in a row (today included), I've walked a 1.25 mile loop around my building. I now have an app on my phone called Runkeeper which has a built-in GPS and tracks your activity. Each day I've gotten a little faster and can complete the distance in just under 20 minutes. Because I'm in my work clothes, I'm not trying to break any records! I enjoy the fresh air (I hate being inside all day) and breaking a small sweat. It's better than nothing! There's another heat advisory scheduled for tomorrow so I'll probably stay indoors. But it was nice while it lasted!

I also found a couple of kids runs for Jack to do in the fall, as well as a 2-mile family run that I can do while pushing him in the jogger. I'm going to look for more 5k's and hopefully work my way back up to a 10k! I'll post more info in case anyone in the D.C. area is interested.

Happy running (and walking)!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Brain Health Blitz 5k

Last Sunday, on Father's Day, I ran my first solo race in over 2 years. It was awesome! It was also my first 5k of the year (the last one I did was last September). I made that one in under 40 minutes pushing Jack in the stroller. Going in, my only goal was to finish this one in under 40 as well.

It was a great course, going around a lake at one of my favorite shopping centers. Except that we had to go around it 4 times and by the 3rd time around, I was getting tired of the same route! It was mostly flat with one small hill. It wasn't easy, but I ran the whole way and pushed it a little on the last lap.

My official race time is 32:52! Woohoo! There were only 36 people running and it was such a nice, relaxed race, put on by the Alzheimer's Association. I don't think they advertised it really well so not many people knew about it, but it was great. I hope they do it again next year!

Jack and Sidney cheered me on and took some pictures while I ran.

I'm not sure when my next race will be, but I look forward to running much more. I've been running around my neighborhood more and last weekend I ran Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. I'd love to run more 5k's and slowly work my way up to longer distances. My ultimate goal is still a half marathon!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Race for the Cure- Team Felicia

On Saturday June 4, 2011, we walked for my coworker Felicia (the one in the pink wig). At just 32, Felicia is now a breast cancer survivor. She was diagnosed in November 2010 and started treatment in December. This past weekend she had a bilateral mastectomy and is expected to make a full recovery. We're glad she was able to walk with us!

We've already started a team for the 2012 walk, this time calling ourselves Banner Companies for the Cure since we all know other women who have survived or are battling breast cancer. I'm happy to be a part of something so important and hope we can make a greater impact in 2012!

Monday, February 28, 2011


We had unbelievably gorgeous weather yesterday and I was actually home to enjoy it. Usually I'm stuck at work on the nice days, but not this time! Jack and I ate our snack on the front porch where we got some much needed vitamin D. Then I had a brialliant idea- we should go for a run! And that is exactly what we did.

Almost right away, Jack fell asleep in the stroller and he stayed sleeping even after we got back home. I just did my short lake run and, despite not having done any form of exercise all year, I was able to almost run the whole way (I had to walk up 2 big hills). My legs are a little sore today, but I feel great!

Just starting out:                   

The scenery:

Back home (and passed out):

After the run, I walked around a little more while Jack slept. Then we came home and I sat on the porch and enjoyed a glass of chocolate milk. As I sat there, sun shining down on me and staring at my beautiful, sleeping son, I felt at peace. Behind me was a house full of chores needing to be done, but I put it out of my mind to enjoy that moment and what was in front of me. It was wonderful and just what I needed.

I hope to have many more days like this one!